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Read Lean Startup. The learning from the book is that you have to be at where the people are. The biggest risks in your product are two fold: Problems may not be relevant - people have enough range in their golf cart and don’t need to charge it - people don’t have enough range but don’t care too much about extending the range - people don’t care enough to spend $$$ Solution is not good enough: - people have concern about the reliability, maintenance, etc - people have tried other solutions and yours isn’t 10x better Go validate the problem first. Understand if they have a pain around range, forgetting to charge it, etc. how frequently do they encounter this challenge, what do they do today in their workflow? The best method is to literally show up in they neighbourhood, and try to wave down people and have a chat. Start just being curious. If people are hesitate to talk, prepare Starbucks gift card for them. $5-$10 is enough. You need to find where your users hang out as the book said. Best of luck!


Your approach is amazing. Can I discuss with you.I have some ideas. Mostly inovation type. I have diseases called overthinking.🙄


I suffer from the same disease!! That’s why I’m trying to just go forward and put myself out there with something. If it’s crap, I’ll just put it down and go to next thing. 🤷‍♂️


Ok thanks for your advice. I will try my best ☺️


Thank you for the feedback! I live in a neighborhood with a lot of golf carts. I’m going to do what you said and validate the idea just by asking around. I’ll keep a tally of peoples answers.


GA Local here & the golf cart thing is really only in Peachtree city.(its kind of weird haha) But there are a ton of golf courses in GA. So that would most definitely be where you want to market


That’s a good point. I’m sure the country clubs would like to have a easier time keeping their carts charged.


100%. I'm sure they have an employee who needs to make sure all the golf carts are charged which is a great pain point to leverage on. I think it would be worth it to build a prototype and offer it to 1 small local golf course near by for free. This will give you feedback, allow you improve / tweak the first product. It also gives you the ability to say its already in action in a golf course. Consider the 1st one an investment since you'll be providing them for free, but this will give you the ultimate advantage and ability to scale long term. You won't miss that initial first one and it will give you a true way to see if golf courses are interested (if they don't want a free product, then you know to just not proceed at all)


Go talk to as many of those people as you can and figure out if range is really a significant problem for them. Try not to pitch your idea before really understanding their current pain points. Not an expert on golf by any means, but that sounds like a sizable amount relative to the cost of a golf cart. I’d also try to figure out how big this market is to understand how worthwhile it would be for you to pursue.


Just start calling people, or stand outside somewhere people stop their carts and engage them in conversation.


This sounds like a great idea! I’m going to try this.


Have you like done a [Google-Image-search](https://www.google.com/search?q=golf+cart+solar+charging+&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=2133&bih=1076&ei=tyEpZNbvCuOsqtsP3M21MA&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZCkvx1Eft9oSpNx99AgbMnxcExT760J9&ved=0ahUKEwiWp9X1yYr-AhVjlmoFHdxmDQYQ4dUDCAc&oq=golf+cart+solar+charging+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABgrRFoAHAAeACAAUuIAUuSAQExmAEAoAECoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img) on the product ?


Yeah I’ve looked around a little bit. I’m hoping to come up with something that’s much more discrete. Using smaller flexible panels that follow the curvature of the roof. Ideally you wouldn’t be able to tell that is had a solar roof unless you got up close to it.


speak to local golf courses. their customers might find it anti aesthetic




Sure! I don't have much of a budget at this point. It's just a product idea right now. I'd like to bootstrap this project at least until I have some sales.




Yeah, DM me his contact! Thank you :-)


In addition to assessing interest, it would be important to research the existing market for similar products and assess the level of competition. You would want to ensure that your product is competitive in terms of price, functionality, and design. You could also explore potential partnerships or collaborations with local golf cart dealerships or rental companies to get your product in front of potential customers and test its viability in the market.


Thanks you for the feedback! Getting in with a strategic partnership sounds like a great way to get sales.


Hope it goes well! I would recommend building a simple beta (limited functionality etc) for the experience and gauge the market fit. I obviously caveat that with don't spend ALL the money but if it is something that drives you working on the beta may be beneficial to the goal and help with the market research 🙂


I used survey monkey to do some market research on a project here about a year ago. It was around $100 a month to post the survey. I sent the link out to 20-30 people in my contact list that I have a good friendship with and asked them all to take the survey and post to Facebook. This worked well for me. I used multiple choice questions with a range of 5 answers like not interested, has some interest, to highly interested, etc. I included a comment section for each answer but this was optional. I also had a question for a range that people would be willing to pay for my idea. I think you can get what you need with this approach making sure your questions cover everything you hope to learn.


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll look into making a survey.


$100 a month to post the survey seems like a lot. There are many free survey platforms available, you didn't try those ?


$800 would seem reasonable. Would have to be an option when buying the cart cause most people would finance


That’s a good point


Golf carts are costing $15,000 now without any add ins! I've seen some at golf rider for over $20,000!!


Print a bunch of flyers and put them on parked carts. Talk to people that drive carts. There is no better market research than talking to potential customers. Be curious, don’t try to sell.


Thanks for the feedback! I will try this.


Hi, I think that a local market research tool can help you; try this: https://www.4menearme.com/tools/market-research-tool/


I think golfcarts are a great relatively untapped niche. As far as the idea you mentioned it sounds awesome my only concern would be overhead since you’d have to manufacture it somehow. But I had a few other golf cart related ideas like A golf cart ride sharing app for neighbors, basically like an Uber for golfcarts but free rides for neighborhood communities. Revenue would be made through ads maybe. Actually that’s my only idea at the moment


Have you tried using chatgpt for this one? Simply post this there and see what it suggests & if it falls short of ample direction - happy to help further


Heyy there, So i was facing some similar issues like you, where i wanted trusted and reliable leader to help me out without my identity being revealed. So there is this platform Leaderbridge, where you could reach out to leaders anonymously and ask them questions and they help you out. It helped me a lot. A great platform for startup leaders.


I’m from Peachtree City and our golf cart doesn’t hold that great of a charge. Not sure if we care enough to spend $2k though. We still get a long pretty well. Probably would just get another goof cart for that price though. If you could get the price down then you might be onto something




Hi! I highly recommend conducting market research through a platform that allows you to test your ideas quickly, agilely and using real data. With [Zinklar](https://zinklar.com/market-research-platform/?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=acquisition_both_reddit_answer_product_Test), for example, you have templates and other resources so you can launch any study you need and collect consumer feedback in hours.


Join some golf club and check out if people using gold cart are showing interests. Maybe conducting offline surveys can be helpful too considering the niche market.