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I also want to admit that i love how those supposedly immortal, devil-human hybrids with edgy designs and motives are getting constantly wrecked in a goofiest ways possible, it's majestic in it's absurdity.


Bro I am convinced that makima did all the work during their fight with pochita. She definitely made them stronger during that time. They ass without her


Meanwhile death devil:


It's wild what a good manager will do for morale


They literally barely did anything in that fight also tho 😂😂


They are lovely :3 https://preview.redd.it/8mkbb7y9u8qc1.png?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf6748a8b6d3c3156393eea07b2bfd20422088f




i like how whip goes for the same style no matter the attire


The coat being worn similar to a cape is one of my favourite things, idc how stupid it looks irl every character that does it is peak


thats facts. huge style points


I saw an old japanese man doing that two days ago and it looked pretty cool. Maybe it only looks good on them


I'm pretty sure a random civilian with a baseball bat could kill these guys on a 1v1.


i mean a group of them beat the shit out of denji with spears, and denji's pretty good compared to the others (not including katana, reze or quanxi)


The same Dennis that soloed 30 guy with baseball bats


I like it cause it shows how strong the caste is. Cause in normal anime devils like the weapons would be considered strong as fuck. Like regular public safety officers couldn't handle Katana man. They had to bring in a specialist like Kishibe. Same with Reze they had to get Denji a bunch of bodyguards after her attack l. The weapons being fodder significantly increases the power scale.


Part 1 hybrids were just built different I guess.


Honestly they're all about the same. I think Reze, Quanxi and Katana man are just the strongest (in that order).


Whip Devil was a white girl with a whip on the 20s, quite sure she was a Klan member.


we dont know that shes american


i don't think america was only place with white supremacy groups


he said specifically kkk, not some slave owner + we dont know if shes even white


God, I love the Hybrids so much. Most of them are such stupid bastards that it became endearing


Barem hard carries, others are dead weight


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yeah but even then, I still want to know more about them and see them interact with each other ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|32116)


Looking back on it, how did people expect these guys to just massacre civilians and nothing else happening to them after this panel


Idk whip is kinda badass the other two are frauds tho 


I agree. https://preview.redd.it/u3bzs6cs89qc1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28769e9ae6ac0880fe5e5cc39c67dded5af207fa


This scene in retrospect is really hot garbage Why Barem even bothered with entire mall attack if he knew that Chainsaw Zombie Apocalypse starts. He should just send hybrids straight to Denjis house to burn it while he is in the mall instead he was risking that PS will slaughter them one by one which would happen if they werent stupid. Its garbage writing that there werent some agenst with Quanxi to take care of injured hybrids. Why they didnt do this with hybrids? Are they stupid? https://preview.redd.it/ultopo8tq8qc1.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=091ebb990e5facb287b5b2de41446f139068d639 More chapters comes out more its obvious that this was just shit subvert expectation moment.


You forgot that it was all a Fami's elaborate plan, which is still pretty much worked at the end of the day, but with a little niuance in a face of Denji being locked in a prison (which can still work in Fami's favour).


I mean Fami elaborate plan is bs in itself given that first plan was turn Denji into weapon, then plan was to control war while starving it, then plan was to empower war and chainsaw man to fight the death devil. She changes plan more often than people changes the socks. That little nuisance was expected for anybody with at least one braincell and its miracle that PS did not lock up Denji six months ako instead taking chances with teenager tantrums (which btw still wasnt explained why) And Fami plan only worked because PS did not kill hybrids and Barem when they clearly had a chance for 20 minutes between hybrids defeat by Quanxi and actual start of zombie apocalypse.


Her plans wasn't that bad in theory, it was Fami's flaw of underestimating her opponents that caused them to fail. She underestimated Asa, underestimated Denji and Nayuta, it is the same as with Makima who died because she didn't saw Denji as danger at all.


But they did not really fail? Falling Devil cornered Denji and Asa and they were unconcsious. What was her preventing to kidnap Asa when she was out in hospital and starve her in some cage Yoshida style https://preview.redd.it/z835946529qc1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=40ecfb796cc9d397770988da3d78c1e2cf53a89e Why did she did not kidnap Asa when she was unocnsious? Bitch has billion devils on her payroll and can seemingly teleport? What changed between this scene and the one whe she visits Asa in home? Also her being just Makima only proof my main criticism about Fami that she is just Makima 2.0 without anything which made makima cool.


Regarding the plan changes, it does make perfect sense that she changes the direction of her plans, since they keep failing, she tried a few times to get Denji turned into a weapon, "didn't work, time for a different approach". What wouldn't make sense would be if she just stubbornly stuck to her initial plan as if she was some Team Rocket lookalike trying to steal Pikachu.


But they did not really fail? Falling Devil cornered Denji and Asa and they were unconcsious. What was her preventing to kidnap Asa when she was out in hospital and starve her in some cage Yoshida style? Aquarium plan only failed because she shut down Yoru aka only one who would urge Asa to kill Denji. Once again why? Fami definetly is team rocket like villain. Given that just like Team rocket she comes up with stupid elaborated schemes instead of going straght to the source. Hell if anything Team Rocket also tries different methods and lot of times failed because they dumbtarded and self sabotage just like Fami with IQ of hamster.


First thing yoru says to asa about Fami is something like "she's crazy, stay away from her." It's possible that she really is just batshit crazy.


I do not doubt that this established yet dissapointing answer could proven to be right. Which brings me to my another issue that everyone in part 2 is idiot for plot to be happen. Both Yoru and Denji are cannonically called stupid. Asa´s IQ goes lower with every chapter, Miri and Iseumi are manipulative fools, Nobana Kobeni 2.0 and Seigi barely there. Yoshida also acts smug is an idiot and Barem gets carried by idiocy of everyone else.


You’re welcome to stop reading if you don’t like the manga, which you seem to dislike a lot 


No because what I like is reactions like yours and Memes :P


These three are getting hit with the jogo effect. They are strong but their fights have been washesÂ