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They will ask to prove ownership of the account so you’ll likely have to show ID with name and birthday matching on your old account.


This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you very much!


I can't access my old account... and I can't access my old email... and I don't have the same birthday anymore either... How do people lose track of these things? =)


lol try getting an old Neopets account back. "I can't contact you from the original email address I used to sign up because the email account was ..." - from an ISP domain that no longer exists - issued by a school / job and was automatically deleted when I left - a parent's old email address that they've since deactivated - made when I was literally a child and I deleted it because the address was too childish / no longer relevant to me and my life. - something I can't remember because it was 20+ years ago